August 31 - September 2 - Cheyenne, Wyoming 5 Shows
September 5 - September 9 - Greeley, Colorado 7 Shows
Flyer Information ​Onofrio Cheyenne Entry
Onofrio Greeley Entry (Coming Soon)

About US

The Boxer Club of Colorado (BCOC) formed in 1948 as a way for Boxer fanciers to meet, share ideas, hold Specialty shows, and to have fun.
Interests of its members vary from conformation, obedience, and agility to just enjoying Boxers as companions.
BCOC is a member of the American Boxer Club and holds to its by-laws and Code of Ethics. The American Boxer Club is, in turn, a member of the American Kennel Club. Both the BCOC and ABC operate under AKC’s rules and regulations.
The purposes of the BCOC are:
To encourage Boxer breeders to adhere to the Boxer standard as approved by the AKC.
To promote high breeding quality.
To protect and advance the interests of the breed.
To conduct AKC licensed and sanctioned specialty shows and obedience trials.
To encourage sportsmanlike competition at dog shows and obedience trials in accordance with ABC’s Code of Ethics.
To initiate and maintain educational programs to foster public interest in the Boxer.
To stimulate interest in exhibiting at dog shows.

Point Schedules for All States and Breeds can be found here: AKC Point Schedule
The American Kennel Club Official Boxer Standards can be found here: AKC Boxer Standards

American Boxer Club
The American Boxer Club the national club for Boxers within the American Kennel Club. The ABC promotes the versatility of the Boxer breed.